Function xed_sys::xed_interface::xed_register_abort_function [] [src]

pub unsafe extern "C" fn xed_register_abort_function(
    fn_: xed_user_abort_function_t,
    other: *mut c_void

@ingroup INIT This is for registering a function to be called during XED's assert processing. If you do not register an abort function, then the system's abort function will be called. If your supplied function returns, then abort() will still be called.

@param fn This is a function pointer for a function that should handle the assertion reporting. The function pointer points to a function that takes 4 arguments: (1) msg, the assertion message, (2) file, the file name, (3) line, the line number (as an integer), and (4) other, a void pointer that is supplied as thei 2nd argument to this registration. @param other This is a void* that is passed back to your supplied function fn as its 4th argument. It can be zero if you don't need this feature. You can used this to convey whatever additional context to your assertion handler (like FILE* pointers etc.).